Case Study

Transforming Pulse Beat Magazine


Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG)


In the fall of 2023, Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers (MPSG) embarked on a journey with Burr Forest Group (BFG) to reinvent their award-winning magazine, Pulse Beat.

The mission was clear: maintain the magazine’s high standards while modernizing its design and elevating member engagement. The approach was not a single redesign, but an iterative approach to improving the magazine with every issue. This case study follows the evolution of Pulse Beat under the guidance of BFG.

The Challenge

Pulse Beat was already celebrated for its informative content, but MPSG faced a twofold challenge.

  • First: bridge the gap between technical, research-focused articles and actionable, meaningful content that resonated with their diverse member base of pulse and soybean growers.
  • Second: rejuvenate the visual appeal of the magazine to captivate and inspire their readers.

The Burr Forest Group Approach

BFG began the transformation process with a holistic approach, reimagining every aspect of Pulse Beat:

Up the Visual Appeal

New visual details enhance the reading experience and create a deeper connection between readers and the content.

Highlight Photography

Before our intervention, Pulse Beat grappled with the common agricultural industry issue of being text-heavy with small, uninspiring photographs.

We added professional, high-quality images and thoughtfully curated visuals to breathe new life into the magazine’s pages. Pulse Beat evolved from a predominantly text-driven publication into one where visuals claimed the spotlight, making it more enticing and appealing to its readers.

Shift the Layout and Content Presentation

Prior to our involvement all articles, from editorials and internal communications to features and research pieces, adhered to the same design format. Recognizing the need for a dynamic and reader-friendly approach, we embraced the diversity of content by crafting unique and tailored formats for each article type. The result was a publication that became notably more navigable and comprehensible, better catering to the diverse needs and preferences of its readership.

Visualize Data

We introduced easily digestible infographics that visually conveyed the value and significance of research findings. This approach successfully made research content not only comprehensible but also genuinely meaningful to MPSG members, strengthening the association’s bond with its agricultural community.


The transformation of Pulse Beat exceeded expectations. MPSG not only embraced the revised magazine but also continued their collaboration with BFG to further evolve their flagship publication. BFG continues to provide editorial oversight, design, and ongoing improvements to Pulse Beat

The Pulse Beat redesign showcases Burr Forest Group’s ability to rejuvenate a well-established publication, breathing new life into its content and ultimately strengthening member engagement. Pulse Beat now stands as a shining example of how a thoughtful redesign can invigorate an award-winning magazine while staying true to its core mission.


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