Research Extension Services

Knowledge Translation and Transfer Services Designed to Increase the Impact and Reach of Your Research


How We Increase Your Capacity

In today’s rapidly evolving agricultural landscape, the strength of research is only as impactful as its communication. Burr Forest Group’s Research Extension Package is meticulously crafted to bridge the gap between ground-breaking research and the farmers it intends to benefit.

We understand that while the intricacies of agricultural research hold immense value, they often remain obscured to those without a technical background. Our package demystifies this complexity, offering a comprehensive suite of communication tools: a concise technical summary for those seeking a deeper dive, an engaging editorial summary that underscores the research’s real-world implications for farmers, and compelling infographic designs tailored for the digital age, ensuring maximum reach and engagement on social media.

By partnering with us, agricultural commodity groups not only amplify the reach and accessibility of their research, but also accentuate its value and relevance to the farming community. In essence, our Research Extension Package doesn’t just communicate research; it elevates it, ensuring that its potential to transform agricultural practices and improve the industry is fully realized.

Our Process

Our Approach to Research Extension

From the in-depth technical nuances to the broader, more relatable narratives, we increase the accessibility of your findings, presenting them in varied formats that cater to diverse audiences. Our approach not only makes your research more comprehensible but also clarifies its journey from the lab to the farm, ensuring your stakeholders grasp its significance at every stage.



Principal Findings

  • Gather and thoroughly analyze pertinent research materials.
  • Engage with and interview the research project leaders, when necessary.
  • Systematically distill and convey essential research concepts to the target audiences: agronomists and farmers.
  • Collaborate with research project leads to validate the key takeaways.


Technical Summary

  • Dive deep into the research process, spotlighting outcomes and novel discoveries.
  • Translate findings into actionable insights for agronomists, processors, and other industry stakeholders and illustrate where the project is in the research pipeline.
  • Entrust an in-house agronomist to meticulously vet and review content.
  • Uphold the highest standards of integrity and value in every technical detail.
  • Design presentation to seamlessly align with your organization’s established style and brand.


Editorial Summary

  • Craft content with a captivating, farmer-centric tone.
  • Expertly convey the significance and prime insights of technical research.
  • Outline how research can guide future actionable changes for growers and illustrate where the project is in the research pipeline.
  • Uphold rigorous clarity and conciseness in the narrative.
  • A designed presentation to seamlessly align with your organization’s style and brand.


Infographic Design

  • Craft visually stunning infographics to showcase key research outcomes.
  • Target and captivate diverse audiences: growers, agronomists, food companies, and funders.
  • Prioritize clarity and precision to ensure the message resonates.
  • Design with a shareable format in mind, amplifying reach and impact.
  • Uphold the highest standards of design, elevating the perceived value and trustworthiness of the research.

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