Case Study

Summarizing Technical Presentations: Research Conference Report


Soy Canada


Soy Canada was pleased to welcome back the National Soy Research Conference in January 2024. The conference drew together researchers from across the Canadian soybean industry to share updates and results of their research. Burr Forest Group (BFG) was entrusted with the critical task of covering this information-heavy and important conference, and conceiving of a creative and engaging way to extend the main insights to event attendees.

The Challenge

There were 10 technical research presentations. BFG was tasked with creating a report covering the key points of the presentations that could be shared with attendees’ post-conference as a way to strengthen the soybean research network across Canada. The challenge lay in creating a report that showcased the research, translating it into a visually appealing, concise format without sacrificing the depth and accuracy of the information.

The Burr Forest Group Approach


The BFG team travelled to London, Ontario to attend the conference. They spent the day listening to every researcher’s presentation taking notes and photos of the presenters.

In-Depth Analysis

Analysts at BFG meticulously reviewed the notes and slides from the researchers’ presentations, extracting key points and identifying important topics to include.

Strategic Summarization

Harnessing the expertise of its in-house specialists, BFG condensed the presentations into a 16-page document that was rich in content yet clear in its messaging. The report featured professional photography, in-depth analysis and infographics highlighting questions asked during the conference.

Expert Validation

The draft document underwent a stringent review by BFG’s experts to ensure the final product accurately represented the collective view and met the standards of all parties involved.


The delivery of a comprehensive conference recap report that covered the research in a concise, engaging way. The project further established BFG as experts in the knowledge translation and transfer of agricultural research, demonstrating their capacity to clarify intricate and complex information for a variety of audiences and through a variety of mediums. This endeavour reflected BFG’s commitment to making agricultural research accessible to the agricultural industry.


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