Policy Services

Bridging the Gap Between Policy, the Agriculture Industry and Farmers


Filling the Knowledge Gap

As governments increasingly find themselves without the in-house expertise to fully grasp the intricate nature of the agriculture sector, they are turning to farm groups and the wider industry for guidance. They’re relying on entities like yours to provide comprehensive research, along with well-formed recommendations and analysis. Furthermore, farmers are now actively being sought to voice their opinions on both provincial and national policy frameworks.

But this raises some pertinent questions: Is your organization equipped to bridge this growing knowledge chasm? Have you structured a plan to extend policy insights to your farmer members, aiding them in understanding the very issues they’re being invited to discuss?

This is where Burr Forest Group’s policy services come in. Our goal is to demystify policy matters for all stakeholders, including your farmer members. Leveraging our creative prowess and profound agricultural insight, we stand poised to strategize and advocate in ways that will best represent and further the aspirations of your farmer members.

Our Process

Our Approach to Policy

We provide a tailor-made solution to these emerging policy challenges. We join forces with you to design and execute a plan to your specific policy requirements. Our offerings range from crafting a robust government relations strategy to conducting policy research that resonates with your members’ and industry’s needs. Moreover, we provide ongoing policy support, which includes diligent monitoring and timely updates.



Government Relations and Advocacy

  • Conduct and/or facilitate policy research and analysis.
  • Develop and implement advocacy strategies tailored to the specific needs of each participating commodity group.
  • Engage in efforts to advance the interests of the groups.
  • Build and maintain relationships with key government officials, policymakers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Organize and facilitate meetings, consultations, and roundtable discussions to promote dialogue and collaboration.


Policy Monitoring and Analysis

  • Continuously monitor relevant legislative and regulatory developments.
  • Analyze relevant policy proposals, draft legislation, and regulatory changes.
  • Provide timely updates and concise summaries of key developments.


Strategic Communications

  • Develop and implement effective communication strategies and messaging.
  • Prepare compelling written materials, such as policy briefs, position papers, and press releases.

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At Burr Forest Group we provide innovative, results-driven solutions you won’t find anywhere else.