Case Study

Research Extension and Knowledge Transfer for 2023 Cluster Projects




In the dynamic world of agricultural research, SaskPulse, a prominent organization dedicated to pulse crop research, faced a remarkable challenge. They needed to bridge the gap between five years of intricate technical research and a diverse audience, which included agronomists, food industry stakeholders, commodity groups, and growers. The objective was clear: to effectively empower knowledge transfer, making the depth of research accessible, engaging, and relevant. This case study highlights how Burr Forest Group (BFG) successfully delivered impactful research extension services, facilitating seamless knowledge transfer for the cluster project’s five years of research.

The Challenge

The cluster project provided 16 different research projects. The challenge lay in translating this wealth of data and insights into captivating and meaningful content that would resonate with a wide-ranging audience. It was imperative to make the research accessible, appealing, and intriguing to social media audiences, commodity group members, and growers. The goal was to empower knowledge transfer while preserving the integrity and significance of the research projects’ findings.

The Burr Forest Group Approach

To tackle this formidable challenge, BFG provided SaskPulse with a comprehensive Research Extension Package, which included the following services for each of the research projects:

Principal Findings

We meticulously gathered and analyzed the extensive research materials from the five-year endeavor. We engaged directly with research project leaders when necessary, systematically distilling and conveying the principal research concepts. Collaborative efforts with research project leads ensured the validation of key takeaways.

Technical Summary

BFG delved deep into the comprehensive research process, highlighting outcomes and discoveries. We skillfully translated these findings into actionable insights, tailored for agronomists, processors, and other industry stakeholders. All the while, we illustrated where each project stood in the research pipeline. Rigorous vetting and review by an in-house agronomist ensured scientific integrity.

Editorial Summary

BFG’s expertise shone through in conveying the significance and prime insights of the extensive technical research. We crafted content with a captivating, farmer-centric tone, outlining how the research could guide future actionable changes for growers. Maintaining clarity and conciseness in the narrative, we ensured seamless alignment with SaskPulse’s established style and brand.

Infographic Design

BFG designed visually stunning infographics to showcase the key research outcomes from five years of research. These infographics targeted and captivated diverse audiences, including growers, agronomists, food companies, and funders. Prioritizing clarity and precision, we crafted shareable formats that amplified reach and impact.


Through a collaborative effort, BFG successfully achieved SaskPulse’s goal of effective knowledge transfer for the extensive five years of research. What was once considered complex and inaccessible technical research was transformed into captivating and farmer-centric content. This achievement resonated with the social media audience and fostered deep engagement among commodity groups and growers.

The success of this project has solidified the partnership between SaskPulse and BFG, reaffirming BFG’s expertise in research knowledge transfer. SaskPulse continues to benefit from BFG’s services, ensuring that the valuable insights gained from half a decade of research reach and empower the heart of the prairies.

In conclusion, this case study showcases BFG’s unwavering commitment to bridging the gap between extensive technical research and its real-world application. Through innovative approaches and strategic content development, BFG has empowered knowledge transfer for SaskPulse, making the depth and significance of five years of research accessible, engaging, and relevant to all stakeholders.


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